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Sexy Legs Workout

Updated: Sep 12, 2019

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Build sexy legs with this heart pumping workout. A good strength training leg workout can burn some serious calories without adding in any cardio! If you are a beginner start with lighter weights to ensure you focus more on form.

This workout focuses on both quads and hamstrings for muscle growth. Your quad strength should be about 25% higher than your hamstring strength. Meaning if you can deadlift 100 lbs you should be able to squat 125 lbs. If you are squatting 200 lbs find yourself struggling to complete a 100lb deadlift you have a muscle imbalance which can lead to injury. If you start noticing muscle imbalances focus on the weaker muscle and increase the weights and reps to strengthen that area.

Home Gym Tip: This workout can be done anywhere without any weights and you'll still get a great workout. If you have the equipment available I suggest utilizing what you have to build muscle quicker and burn more fat.

Lift #1: Squats

Complete 6 rounds of 8 reps and increase your weight each set. Start with a medium weight and increase the weight until your last set is heavy and very hard to complete with proper form. If you complete all 8 reps on your last set with ease your weights could be increased. Take a 45 second to 1 minute rest between each set.

Lift #2: Reverse Lunge

Complete 4 sets of 16 rep (8 reps each leg). Take a 45 second to 1 minute rest between each set.

Lift #3: Walking Lunge

Complete 4 sets of 20 reps(10 reps each leg). Take a 45 second to 1 minute rest between each set.

Lift #4: Barbell deadlift

Complete 4 sets of 12 reps.

Take a 45 second to 1 minute rest between each set.

To complete a barbell lift, start by using a barbell with medium weight. Your feet should be squared with your hips. Lift the barbell off the ground to the level of the hips and bend forward keeping your torso perpendicular to the ground until the bar is at the bottom of your knee and pull up squeezing your glutes.

Whether you are a beginner or expert, write down or track your progress in a journal or app. Document each set with the amount of reps and weight you are able to complete. As you progress in your journey you will be able to easily look back at your accomplishments. I use the Bodyspace app by

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