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4 Week Strength Training Workout Plan

Before I get into the workout plan, I want to touch on a few points to help guide you along your fitness journey that will set you up for success.

I chose to do a plan based on 3 workouts a week because my when I asked my Facebook page if they would prefer a workout plan based on 3 workouts a week or 5 workouts a week, the 3 day plan won with 73% of the votes! I loved that this plan won. 3 days of workouts a week is not only sufficient for muscle growth but it’s a great way to build a strong foundation that is easy to sustain.

Ladies, lifting weights offers a lot more than HUUUUGGGEEE muscles. Trust me; you will NOT be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger by adding weights into your fitness routine but you can build muscle to be toned, lose weight and feel great about yourself. Just remember, lifting weights has significant cardiovascular health benefits and having muscles means you’ll burn more fat!

With a 3 workouts per week plan you have to be extra diligent when it comes to focusing on the quality of your workouts. Think heavier weights with less reps, the goal is to build your type 2 muscles fibers (Also known as fast twitch muscles). Building Type 1 muscles fibers are a great way to build your endurance to exercise while building type 2 muscle fibers is great way to build more power and strength. Building your type 2 muscle fibers will allow your body to fuel its energy from stored fat not from muscle.

I already touched based on nutrition in a previous blog but I will need to reiterate how important it is to fuel your body with wholesome, nutritious meals and most importantly DO NOT UNDEREAT! In order to build muscle you have to be in a caloric surplus. Use this link to calculate the amount of daily calories you should be consuming. When you have that number track your meals and make sure you are eating all 3 macronutrient groups which include protein, fats and carbs. Carbs play a major role in building muscle, as this is your body’s main energy source. If you are a healthy individual with no known illnesses or diseases cutting out any of these 3 macronutrients will not do you any good and could end

up causing long term damage to your metabolism and how your body produces and stores glucose.

The quality of your rest and recovery days are just as important if not more important than your workout days. Stay moving on these days even if that means taking a nightly walk or bike ride around your neighborhood. Rest days are important to allow your muscles to heal but you don’t want to counteract your hard work by sitting around doing nothing.

All right, so now that I have said everything I wanted to say let's get to the training plan! I only put workout 1, workout 2 and workout 3 for each week so you can decide which gym days work best for you. So start any time on any day and make it work for you and your schedule.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and if you need any help with these exercises message me on Facebook or Instagram and I will be happy to assist you!

Each workout should take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

Week one

Workout #1

Barbell Squat - 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell Bent Over Row- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Dumbbell incline bench press- 3 sets x 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Dumbbell Shoulder press- 3 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Single Leg dumbbell deadlift- 4 sets X 6 reps each leg (12 total reps)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Plank -3 sets X 120 seconds each set (or to failure)

Weighted crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Workout #2

Barbell Romanian Deadlift**- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Wide grip lat pulldown- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Back Extension- 4 sets X 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Heel raised dumbbell squat***- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell preacher curl- 3 sets X 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Push up- 3 sets X 8 reps each

Reverse crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

**building your grip strength will also take time, if you feel your grip strength is weak and completing a deadlift is difficult due to your grip, try these hand grips that wrap around the barbell providing you more grip and will keep your wrists stable during the exercise.

*** Complete this exercise by placing two small plates under your back heel, the front of your foot will stay flat on the ground.

Workout #3

Elevated reverse lunge**- 4 sets X 6 reps each legs (12 total reps per set)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Front squat with overhead shoulder press***- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Seated cable row- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hip thrust- 4 sets X reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Seated tricep press- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Wood chop- 3 sets X 6 reps each side (12 total reps per set)

Swiss Ball weighted sit up- 3 sets X 12 reps each set

** Complete this exercise by placing a medium sized plate on the floor, one foot will stay in the center of the plate step back with the opposite foot into a lunge.

***complete this exercise by starting with the barbell at your chest for a front squat, complete the squat and as you come up move the barbell upright from the chest to overhead to complete the shoulder press.

Week 2

Workout #1

Dumbbell Step-ups- 4 sets X 8 reps each leg (16 reps each)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Romanian Deadlift- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Underhand grip lat pulldown- 4 sets X 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Back extension- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hammer curls- 3 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Seated tricep press- 3 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Reverse crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Air bike- 3 sets X 20 reps each set

Workout # 2

Barbell Back squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Elevated Bulgarian split squat**- 4 sets X 8 reps each leg (16 total reps per set)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Bicep dumbbell curl to shoulder press- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hip thrust- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Incline dumbbell bench press- 4 sets X 8 reps each

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell deadlift to bent over row***- 3 sets X 8 reps each

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hanging leg lift- 3 sets X 8 reps each leg (16 total reps per set)

Plank- -3 sets X 120 seconds each set (or to failure)

**Complete this exercise by placing a box, step or bench behind you. Stand in front of the bench and place one foot behind you on top of the bench. With weights in hand lower yourself until your front leg is parallel to the floor, push back up into starting position.

*** Complete this exercise by starting with your bar above your knees, complete the deadlift exercise as normal, when you rise to the starting position you will lower the bar as if you are completing a deadlift, when the bar reaches just below your knee cap you will pull the bar to your upper abdomen; keeping your torso and lower body in the same deadlift position. Lower the bar to your knees are rise to standing position, repeat.

Workout #3

Dumbbell Push Press- 4 X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Heel raised dumbbell squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Seated cable row- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Single Leg dumbbell deadlift- 4 sets X 6 reps each leg (12 total reps)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell Back squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Push up- 3 sets X 8 reps each

Reverse crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Weighted crunches- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Week 3

Workout #1

Front squat with overhead shoulder press- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell Back squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell Bent Over Row- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Romanian Deadlift- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Dumbbell incline bench press- 3 sets x 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Back extension- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Reverse crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Air bike- 3 sets X 20 reps each set

Workout #2

Single Leg dumbbell deadlift- 4 sets X 6 reps each leg (12 total reps)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Dumbbell Push Press- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Heel raised dumbbell squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Seated cable row- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hip thrust- 4 sets X reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Seated tricep press- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Reverse crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Workout # 3

Elevated Bulgarian split squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each leg (16 total reps per set)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Bicep dumbbell curl to shoulder press- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Underhand grip lat pulldown- 4 sets X 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Back extension- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hammer curls- 3 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Incline dumbbell bench press- 4 sets X 8 reps each

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hanging leg lift- 3 sets X 8 reps each leg (16 total reps per set)

Plank- 3 sets X 120 seconds each set (or to failure)

Week 4

Workout #1

Barbell Romanian Deadlift- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Wide grip lat pulldown- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Heel raised dumbbell squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Hip thrust- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Incline dumbbell bench press- 4 sets X 8 reps each

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Seated tricep press- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Reverse crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Air bike- 3 sets X 20 reps each set

Workout #2

Barbell Back squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell Bent Over Row- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Elevated Bulgarian split squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each leg (16 total reps per set)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Bicep dumbbell curl to shoulder press- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Wide grip lat pulldown- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Push up- 3 sets X 8 reps each

Hanging leg lift- 3 sets X 8 reps each leg (16 total reps per set)

Plank- 3 sets X 120 seconds each set (or to failure)

Workout #3

Barbell Back squat- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Single Leg dumbbell deadlift- 4 sets X 6 reps each leg (12 total reps)

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Underhand grip lat pulldown- 4 sets X 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Back extension- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Dumbbell Push Press- 4 sets X 8 reps each set

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Barbell deadlift to bent over row- 3 sets X 8 reps each

Rest 30 seconds-1 minute after each set

Plank -3 sets X 120 seconds each set (or to failure)

Weighted crunch- 3 sets X 10 reps each set

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