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30 Inexpensive way to have an active and adventurous November

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Check out my fun list of ways to become active and adventurous in November. Inspiration doesn't spark on a specific weekday or date, it can spark any time, any day. Why wait until Monday to try a new healthy meal and why wait until January 1st to try a new exercise? It only takes one step to change your future, which direction will you take?

The items on my list are all very inexpensive or FREE! (My favorite) Most importantly the items on my list are about giving back to yourself and to the community. When you feel good about helping others, you will feel good about yourself. Take a few days to remember that taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family.

Have fun with this lists! I plan on trying all 30 and will keep you posted on my Facebook page. If you post your activities on Facebook or Instagram use the hashtag #WanderingthruNovember and tag me @TheFitWanderWoman so I can follow along! Have a great November, I look forward to seeing all of your adventures!

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